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  • Do you accept Active Kids Vouchers?
  • Do you accept Creative Kids vouchers?
  • When do classes start in 2022?
    Classes resumed on Monday 31st January. Check out the Important Dates page for our terms & other important dates.
  • Can I enrol during the year?
    You can start at any time during the year. The best times to start are at the beginning of terms 1 & 3. However, it is possible to start at any time, even during the term. Our annual concert is in late June. Starting in the four weeks prior to our concert is not recommended.
  • Do I need to put my name down on a list?
    You don't need to, just come along & try a class. Classes are normally limited to 20 students & are not full at the beginning of the year. If you'd feel more comfortable putting your name down on a list, please complete an Enrolment Form & mail or fax it to us. We'll put your name down & send you a confirmation via email or SMS.
  • What should be worn to a trial class?
    Please don't buy any dancewear until you've tried the class. To try the class, just wear clothing that is comfortable to move in. For Tippy Toes; Dress-ups are great. We're used to seeing fairies & even superheroes. For Ballet & Contemporary; T-shirt & leggings or tracksuits with barefeet. For Jazz; T-shirt & leggings or tracksuits with sneakers. If you're happy with the class & wish to continue, then please purchase the appropriate uniform. Links to Uniform information: Tippy Toes Ballet Jazz & Contemporary
  • Can parents watch the classes?
    You are absolutely welcome to watch the first lesson that your child attends. For Tippy Toes classes, this is normally a necessity to ensure that child & parent are both comfortable! For subsequent lessons, parents won't be in the room. This is not to be unkind to parents, it's because the students focus better without having parents & siblings in the room. For Tippy Toes classes, it sometimes takes two or even three lessons with the parent in the room before the child is comfortable. Over the years, we've become skilled at keeping child & parent happy when joining our classes.
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